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index EN > Application and solution > 解决方案-顶部 Ultraviolet purification solution for wastewater treatment
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Ultraviolet purification solution for wastewater treatment

Project introduction

A Sewage Treatment in an urban area of Sanming used a 320W traditional low-voltage mercury lamp with electrodes and an additional casing. The light source has a short life, low radiation efficiency and high energy consumption, and the power output is unstable with the fluctuation of voltage. The 600W non-electrode ultraviolet disinfection lamp system, developed by source light technology, USES SMART chip technology, has automatic open circuit, Short circuit protection, intelligent control and other functions. It has a long life of 60,000 hours, which is five times as long as the low-pressure Mercury lamp disinfection lamp, the ultraviolet radiation efficiency is 30% higher than that of low-pressure Mercury Lamp, so it is the optimum light source for high-power ultraviolet disinfection of water treatment system.